Transtek TMB-1585-BS
Device Model:
Guangdong Transtek Medical Electronics Co. Ltd., Zone A, 105 Dongli Road, Torch Development District, Zhongshan 528437, CHINA.
Measuring functions:
Blood pressure
Primary Client Use:
Intended for self-measurement and home use
Measurement Site:
Upper Arm
Measurement Occurrence:
Single measurements only
Connected Health Technologies:
Available Currently
The Transtek TMB-1585-BS is an automatic blood pressure monitor. Medaval has not found evidence proving the accuracy of its blood pressure measurement technology. Blood pressure measurements are taken from the upper arm. It is intended for self-measurement and home use.
While the technology used in the Transtek TMB-1585-BS, to measure blood pressure, has been declared as being equivalent to that used in another device, not only has no evidence has been published to show that the devices have been compared according to a protocol compliant with (EU) 2017/745 and MEDDEV 2.7/1 rev 4, but there is no evidence provided on a validation of the other device.
Accuracy AssessmentRecommendationBasis
BP Medaval Not recommended This device has not been shown to have been clinically validated.
BP Stride BP Self-measurement for adults (Preferred) Equivalence to the Transtek TMB-1776 claim without published evidence
Device Family:
1byOne TMB-1585Z, 1byOne TMB-1585-BSZ, Transtek TMB-1585Z, Transtek TMB-1585-BSZ
Legend: Z Almost Certain