Accuracy Assessment | Recommendation | Basis | |
BP | Medaval | ★★ Recommendation | Recent clinical validation; older protocol; multiple clinical validations |
BP | BIHS (UK and IRL) | NOT recommended; previous publication now retracted. (Previously recommended) | Published evidence |
BP | ESH (Europe) | ABPM for adults and children | Published evidence |
BP | Stride BP | ABPM for adults and children (Previous) | Published evidence |
Рогоза АН. [Rogoza AN.] К вопросу о точности измерения АД автоматическими приборами. [Accuracy of blood pressure estimation by automated monitors.] Функциональная диагностика [Functional diagnostics]. 2003;1:56-64. Available from: www.bplab.ru. (Details from: www.jfd.ru). In Russian.
ESH-IP:2002 - Pass General population
BHS:1993 - Pass (A/A) General population
SP10:2002 - Pass General population
Бартош ЛФ, Дорогова ИВ, Кузнецова ТН, Крылова АВ. [Bartosh LF, Dorogova IV, Kuznetsova TN, Krylova AV.] Тестирование суточного монитора артериального давления BPLab® на беременных в соответствии с методикой Международного протокола ESH 2001. [The testing of BPLab Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor on the pregnant in conformity with International Protocol of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH-2001)] Артериальная гипертензия [Arterial Hypertension]. 2006;12(3):3-6. Available from: www.bplab.ru. In Russian.
ESH-IP:2002 - Pass Pregnancy
Koudryavtcev SA, Lazarev VM. Validation of the BPLab(®) 24-hour blood pressure monitoring system according to the European standard BS EN 1060-4:2004 and British Hypertension Society protocol. Med Devices (Auckl). 2011;4:193-6. Epub: 2011 Oct 26. doi: 10.2147/MDER.S25800. PMID: 22915946. Available from: PMC3417890.
BHS:1993 - Pass (A/A) General population
1060-4:2004 - Pass General population
Ledyaev MY, Stepanova OV, Ledyaeva AM. Validation of the BPLab(®) 24-hour blood pressure monitoring system in a pediatric population according to the 1993 British Hypertension Society protocol. Med Devices (Auckl). 2015 Feb;2(8):115-8. doi: 10.2147/MDER.S78515. PMID: 25674018. Available from: PMC4321653.
BHS:1993 - Pass (A/A) General population
Моисеева НМ, Пономарев ЮА, Сергеева МВ, Рогоза АН. [Moiseeva NM, Ponomarev YA, Sergeeva MV, Rogoza AN.] Оценка показателей ригидности магистральных артерий по данным бифункционального суточного мониторирования АД и ЭКГ прибором BPLab. [Evaluation of main arteries rigidity indices according to the data of bifunctional 24-hour BP and ECG monitoring with the BPLab device.] Артериальная гипертензия [Arterial Hypertension]. 2007;13(1):1-5. Available from: cyberleninka.ru. In Russian.
The publication describes the use of the Petr Telegin BpLab in a scientific study.
Dorogova IV, Panina ES. Comparison of the BPLab® sphygmomanometer for ambulatory blood pressure monitoring with mercury sphygmomanometry in pregnant women: validation study according to the British Hypertension Society protocol. Vasc Health Risk Manag. 2015 Apr 13;11:245-9. doi: 10.2147/VHRM.S82381. PMID: 25926739. Available from: PMC4403505. eCollection 2015, Retracted.
Comparison of the BPLab® Sphygmomanometer for Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring with Mercury Sphygmomanometry in Pregnant Women: Validation Study According to the British Hypertension Society Protocol [Retraction]. Vasc Health Risk Manag. 2021 Dec 7;17:799-800. doi: 10.2147/VHRM.S352187. PMID: 34916797. Available from: PMC8667608.