Medaval Query-Mark
Where No Clinical Validation Information can be found, for Blood Pressure Monitors or Blood Glucose Meters, the image is watermarked with this Query-mark.
Medaval Query-mark for non-validated devices
BPM and BGM devices that have 'no validation information found' (marked in red on this site), are watermarked with the Query-mark, showing a question mark indicating both its questionable accuracy and a reminder for you to question using it for that reason.
All information flags are shown on the bottom left on a background based on the Gaussian symbol used in the logo. The Query mark is a blue symbol on an orange background to distinguish it from other flags where the colours are reversed.
Medaval highlights non-validated devices, as well as accurate devices, to inform customers about which devices they should be extremely cautious about using, along with those with proven accuracy.
Less than 20% of the known devices in the market place, which we list in our registries, for Blood Pressure Monitors, Blood Glucose Meters and Pulse Oximeters, have been clinically validated, which means that 80% have not been validated.
Therefore, there is a high likelihood that a medical device, that you may have purchased, has not been validated and may not be accurate.
Manufacturers, who’s devices are marked as not validated, are encouraged to contact us for further assistance.
Consumers are cautioned against buying non-validated medical devices.