Suntech Centron cBP 301
Device Name:
Device Model:
cBP 301
SunTech Medical Inc., Suite 117, 507 Airport Boulevard, Morrisville, NC 27560-8200, UNITED STATES.
Measuring functions:
Blood pressure
Primary Client Use:
Intended for professional use including central aortic pressure
Measurement Site:
Upper Arm
Measurement Occurrence:
Single measurements only
Available Currently
Device Specifications:
The Suntech Centron cBP 301 is an automatic blood pressure monitor. Its blood pressure measurement technology has been proven to be accurate, with a 1-star Medaval rating. Blood pressure measurements are taken from the upper arm. It is intended for professional use including central aortic pressure.
The technology used in the Suntech Centron cBP 301, to measure blood pressure, has passed in a clinical validation study, in a general population, according to a recognised standard protocol, as published in a peer-reviewed publication.
Accuracy AssessmentRecommendationBasis
BP Medaval Recommendation Older clinical validation; recent protocol
BP ESH (Europe) Professional use Published evidence
Validation Publications:

Agnoletti D, Millasseau S, Topouchian J, Safar ME, Blacher J. Comparison of central blood pressure devices on the basis of a modified protocol of the European Society of Hypertension: application to the Centron cBP301. Blood Press Monit. 2014 Apr;19(2):103-8. doi: 10.1097/MBP.0000000000000028. PMID: 24418970.

ESH-IP:2010 - Pass General population (Note: cBP validation, Atcor Sphygmocor as reference; Modified protocol)