Omron HEM-907 (HEM-907-E7)
Device Name:
Device Model:
Omron Corporation, Kyoto Head Office, Shiokoji Horikawa, Shimogyo ku, Kyoto 600-8530, JAPAN.
Measuring functions:
Blood pressure
Primary Client Use:
Intended for professional use
Measurement Site:
Upper Arm
Measurement Occurrence:
Single measurements only
Discontinued but still available
Availability according to Countries or Regions:
Ireland and Japan
Device Manual:
The Omron HEM-907 (HEM-907-E7) is an automatic blood pressure monitor. Its blood pressure measurement technology has been proven to be accurate, with a 1-star Medaval rating. Blood pressure measurements are taken from the upper arm. It is intended for professional use. This device has been discontinued by the manufacturer but may be available through certain outlets.
The technology used in the Omron HEM-907 (HEM-907-E7), to measure blood pressure, has passed in four clinical validation studies, between general and pregnancy populations, according to recognised standard protocols, as published in peer-reviewed publications.
Accuracy AssessmentRecommendationBasis
BP Medaval Recommendation Older clinical validation; older protocol; multiple clinical validations
BP BIHS (UK and IRL) Previous recommendation, now archived for adults and the elderly (Archived) Published evidence
BP ESH (Europe) Professional use Published evidence
BP Japanese Society of Hypertension Professional use (2016-2024) Published evidence
BP Stride BP Office and hospital use for adults and the elderly Published evidence
Validation Publications:

White WB, Anwar YA. Evaluation of the overall efficacy of the Omron office digital blood pressure HEM-907 monitor in adults. Blood Press Monit. 2001 Apr;6(2):107-10. PMID: 11433132.

SP10:1996 - Pass General population

El Assaad MA, Topouchian JA, Darné BM, Asmar RG. Validation of the Omron HEM-907 device for blood pressure measurement. Blood Press Monit. 2002 Aug;7(4):237-41. PMID: 12198340.

ESH-IP:2002 - Pass General population

Omboni S, Riva I, Giglio A, Caldara G, Groppelli A, Parati G. Validation of the Omron M5-I, R5-I and HEM-907 automated blood pressure monitors in elderly individuals according to the International Protocol of the European Society of Hypertension. Blood Press Monit. 2007 Aug;12(4):233-42. PMID: 17625396.

ESH-IP:2002 - Pass General population

Gurpreet K, Tee GH, Karuthan C. Evaluation of the accuracy of the Omron HEM-907 blood pressure device. Med J Malaysia. 2008 Aug;63(3):239-43. PMID: 19248698.

Ad Hoc protocol General population (Note: Modified BHS/AAMI protocols)

Czarkowski M, Staszków M, Kostyra K, Shebani Z, Niemczyk S, Matuszkiewicz-Rowińska J. Determining the accuracy of blood pressure measurement by the Omron HEM-907 before and after hemodialysis. Blood Press Monit. 2009 Oct;14(5):232-8. PMID: 19938337.

ESH-IP:2002 - Fail Before haemodialysis

ESH-IP:2002 - Fail After haemodialysis

Davis GK, Roberts LM, Mangos GJ, Brown MA. Comparisons of auscultatory hybrid and automated sphygmomanometers with mercury sphygmomanometry in hypertensive and normotensive pregnant women: parallel validation studies. J Hypertens. 2015 Mar;33(3):499-505; discussion 505-6. doi: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000000420. PMID: 25380148.

BHS:1993 - Pass (A/A) Normotensive pregnancy (n=170), Hypertensive pregnancy (n=170)

Relevant Publications:

Halfon M, Wuerzner G, Marques-Vidal P, Taffe P, Vaucher J, Waeber B, Liaudet L, Ltaief Z, Popov M, Waeber G. Use of oscillometric devices in atrial fibrillation: a comparison of three devices and invasive blood pressure measurement. Blood Press. 2018 Feb;27(1):48-55. Epub: 2017 Sep 28. doi: 10.1080/08037051.2017.1383852. PMID: 28958152.

Measurements from the Omron HEM-907 (HEM-907-E7) are compared to those from the Microlife WatchBP Home (BP 3MX1-1) and the Omron R7 (HEM-637-IT) in atrial fibrillation, though not in a formal validation.