Brand: Lloyds Pharmacy, Sapphire Court, Walsgrave Triangle, Coventry CV2 2TX, UNITED KINGDOM.
Distributer: Harvard Medical Devices Limited, Unit 1301-02, 13th Floor, Railway Plaza, 39 Chatham Road South, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, HONG KONG PRC.
Other: Kinetik Medical Devices Limited, Lockeridge House, Lockeridge, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 4EL, UNITED KINGDOM.
Accuracy Assessment | Recommendation | Basis | |
BP | Medaval | None | Although equivalence to another device is claimed, this has not been tested to MDR requirements. |
BP | BIHS (UK and IRL) | Previous recommendation, now archived (Archived) | Manufacturer declaration of equivalence to the Kinetik BPM1 Series without published evidence |
BP | ESH (Europe) | Self-measurement | The BIHS recommendation, despite the absence, at the time, of the scientific evidence required by the same authors' criteria. |
Legend: B BIHS Derivative
Note: This is a provisional list, as equivalence according to EU Regulation 2017/745 (e.g. MEDDEV 2.7/1 rev 4) is not proven. Accordingly, these publications are not used in the assessment of star-ratings.
Kinetik BPM1C
Schwartz CL, Edwards K, Gamble W, Kirkham A, Lacy P, Lewis P, McDonagh STJ, Peers C, Sheppard JP, Swales P, Howarth J, Williams B. Validation of the Kinetik Blood Pressure Monitor-Series 1 for use in adults at home and in clinical settings, according to the 2002 European Society of Hypertension International Protocol on the validation of blood pressure devices. J Hum Hypertens. 2021 Nov;35(11):1046-1050. Epub: 2020 Nov 22. doi: 10.1038/s41371-020-00445-9. PMID: 33223524.
ESH-IP:2002 General population (Note: ESH-02 not recognised since 01 July 2011)