A&D UA-767 Plus
Device Model:
UA-767 Plus
A&D Company Ltd., 3-23-14 Higashi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-Ku, 170-0013 Tokyo, JAPAN.
Measuring functions:
Blood pressure
Primary Client Use:
Intended for self-measurement and home use
Measurement Site:
Upper Arm
Measurement Occurrence:
Single measurements only
Available Currently
Availability according to Countries or Regions:
Canada and Japan
Device Manual:
The A&D UA-767 Plus is an automatic blood pressure monitor. Its blood pressure measurement technology has been proven to be accurate. Blood pressure measurements are taken from the upper arm. It is intended for self-measurement and home use.
The technology used in the A&D UA-767 Plus, to measure blood pressure, has passed in a clinical validation study, in a general population, according to a recognised standard protocol, as published in a peer-reviewed publication.
Accuracy AssessmentRecommendationBasis
BP Medaval Legacy approval Older clinical validation; older protocol
BP BIHS (UK and IRL) Self-measurement Published evidence
BP Hypertension Canada Self-measurement (Previous) (Gold) Published evidence
BP ESH (Europe) Self-measurement The BIHS recommendation
BP Japanese Society of Hypertension Self-measurement (Previous: 2016-2018) Published evidence
Device Family:
Validation Publications:

Кобалава ЖД, Котовская ЮВ, Бабаева ЛА, Русакова ОС. [Kobalava ZD, Kotovskaia IV, Rusakova OS, Babaeva LA.] Валидация электронного полностью автоматического прибора UA-777 (A&D, Япония) для самоконтроля АД. [Validation of UA-767 Plus device for self measurement of blood pressure.] Клиническая фармакология и терапия [Clin Pharmacol Ther]. 2003;12(2):70-2. Available from: andyte.com.

BHS:1993 - Pass (A/A) General population

Validation Publications for Equivalent Devices:

Note: This is a provisional list, as equivalence according to EU Regulation 2017/745 (e.g. MEDDEV 2.7/1 rev 4) is not proven. Accordingly, these publications are not used in the assessment of star-ratings.

A&D UA-767

Rogoza AN, Pavlova TS, Sergeeva MV. Validation of A&D UA-767 device for the self-measurement of blood pressure. Blood Press Monit. 2000 Aug;5(4):227-31. PMID: 11035865.

BHS:1993 - Pass (A/A) General population

SP10:1992 - Pass General population

A&D UA-774

Verdecchia P, Angeli F, Poeta F, Reboldi GP, Borgioni C, Pittavini L, Porcellati C. Validation of the A&D UA-774 (UA-767Plus) device for self-measurement of blood pressure. Blood Press Monit. 2004 Aug;9(4):225-9. PMID: 15311150.

BHS:1993 - Pass (A/A) General population

A&D UA-779

Longo D, Bertolo O, Toffanin G, Frezza P, Palatini P. Validation of the A&D UA-631 (UA-779 Life Source) device for self-measurement of blood pressure and relationship between its performance and large artery compliance. Blood Press Monit. 2002 Aug;7(4):243-8. PMID: 12198341.

ESH-IP:2002 - Pass General population