Medaval Validated Medical Device Registry
Find Blood Pressure Monitors, Blood Glucose Meters and Pulse Oximeters proven to be clinically accurate.
Nearly all the grandest discoveries of science have been but the rewards of accurate measurement and patient long-continued labour in the minute sifting of numerical results.

Baron William Thomson Kelvin, 1871
Medaval’s Opportunities for Manufacturers
Medaval Local Validation Services
Medaval’s Online Comparative-Equivalence Service
Register with Us for Full Details
Full details of these services are for registered manufacturers only. If you are a manufacturer, please contact us with your details here using your own email service. We will respond to your query as soon as possible.
Find your device here
Start entering the device name below. Click on the device you require, when you see it in the list. Click on the magnifying glass for details on that device or, at any stage, for of a list of all partial matches.
This search facility, and a filter search, is also provided on the navigation bar, above, on all pages.
The purpose of this site is to guide both professional and lay users purchasing certain medical devices, as to whether the device has ever been proven to be accurate, as the vast majority have not.
Medaval provides the most comprehensive independent international device registry and database for Blood Pressure Monitors, Blood Glucose Meters and Pulse Oximeters.
We provide best-device lists based exclusively on scientifically proven accuracy.
We also star rate many devices and our Star-rating criteria is provided on the website.
Lists of devices with proven accuracy in specific populations and circumstances are also provided and devices without any validation evidence are indicated.
Please Note:
We do not give support or advice for any of the products we list on this site. If product manuals are publicly available, we provide a link for you to download.
All service queries etc, should be addressed to the product manufacturer (for details see Blood Pressure Monitor Manufacturer Details and Blood Glucose Meter Manufacturer Details), who should put you in touch with your local service agent.